Wednesday 13 March 2013

Uncanny Art

This is taken from the article listed below, I didn't want to re-write it as I thought it was already explained really well. These two pieces of work are from the Ronchini Gallery, the cloud suspended in the room called 'Nimbus D'Aspremont was created by Berndnaut Smilde and the 'Hairy Eye Ball' by Adeline de Monseignat. I really like the cloud one because I think clouds are quite interesting things to observe anyway and seeing one within a room I think is visually very interesting but at the same time there's also something a bit strange about it, I guess that's why they describe their work as 'creating a sense of unease by using familiar out of context.' The fur in the ball I find less striking but in the article it mentions that these 'Creaptures' (creatures and sculptures) 'elicit in the spectator an unfulfilled desire to touch them' and when looking at it I did actually think I'd like to touch it even though I know what glass and fur both feel like.

"The Uncanny draws on each artist’s relationship with their materials and the ways in which they create a sense of unease for the viewer by using the familiar out of context.
The exhibition’s theme is partly inspired by Sigmund Freud’s celebrated 1919 essay of the same title. Based on the notion that the strange could not exist without the non-strange, Freud’s study pioneered the distinctive nature of the uncanny as a feeling of something not simply weird or mysterious but, more specifically, as something strangely familiar. Freud’s concept of the uncanny and his interpretation of dreams had a significant influence on the Surrealist movement and their depiction of the unnatural and strange."

Berndnaut Smilde
Nimbus D’Aspremont
Cloud in room
Lambda print on Dibond
125 x 184 cm
Courtesy the artist and Ronchini Gallery
Photo Cassander Eeftinck Schattenkerk

These clouds suspended within a room are created using a fog machine and adjusting the temperature and humidity of the room so the clouds remain there long enough to be photographed and capture the short moment before they disappear. 

These sculptures or 'creaptures are creating using organic materials, in the case below fur, 'a material suspended between life and death' and the fur is encased within glass. She aims to create uncertainty within the spectator as to whether they are animate or inanimate objects.

Adeline de Monseignat Hairy Eye Ball 2011 Vintage Fur, pillow filler and glass 30 x 30 x 26 cm Courtesy the artist and Ronchini GalleyAdeline de Monseignat
Hairy Eye Ball
Vintage Fur, pillow filler and glass
30 x 30 x 26 cm
Courtesy the artist and Ronchini Galley


Yareah [Internet] -  - Accessed 25/2/2013

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