Thursday 14 March 2013

Joel Peter Witkin

Witkin is a photographer who likes to shock and unnerve people with his visual themes of life and death. He is certainly not afraid of using images that will shock people and they are certainly not the everyday sort of photos you might see on someone's walls. What I like about his work is I bet anyone you showed it to would have an opinion, whether they thought it was grotesque or intriguing and I think it's important for art to evoke strong feelings within people. He also uses dwarves, transsexuals and hermaphrodites a lot in his work which is always going to be a subject of taboo for some peoples as there's still a lot of people out there who would feel uncomfortable and put out to look at some or all of these images because it is not something most people face everyday so that are not used to it which links back to the uncanny and people being afraid of things that are different. These people that he depicts are all people but because there is something a bit different about them people are unsure of it.

I chose to put these few images on my blog because for me these were all close to the feeling of uncanny with the dolls head and what looks like an older mans' head on a young girls body I think is very strange.

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I quite like the image below which is a woman's face that has been made to look like vase holding flowers.

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