Friday 8 March 2013

Group Project Moodboard - Uncanny

This is a quick moodboard I put together when thinking of our group project - this is for the bedroom bit which we will have to build and dress. The group have decided for it to have a gentleman's club sort of feel to it with dark rich colours like reds and greens, with paintings on the walls in wooden frames. We also know we have a fireplace to use in it and some other furniture. We also have some taxidermy animals to use so I have included some weird looking ones in the moodboard.
The moodboard doesn't show how the room will look but just some of the things we could use in it to put in it either as pictures or objects to help evoke a sense of the uncanny in the room.

One idea that I had myself before we came up with the final idea was about having objects dangling from the ceiling and I thought about having body parts like arms, legs, heads etc from different sized dolls as I thought it would tie in with the scene in which the man who wakes up from sleeping sees a smaller doll like version of himself on the fireplace. As well as taxidermy animals I also like the idea of crossing animals with the human form and also crossing animals with different species of animals like the weird hampster/crab image I found. There's also a picture I put in there purely because of it strangeness it's a painting and it looks like human body parts merged together and there also seems to be an animal, maybe a birds eye in there.
So the main theme of this board is the merging of quite normal things to re-create something that's not normal.


These are a few images I picked out of a typical old fashion Gentleman's club, I think these are useful for looking at in terms of colour and feel because they all look very similar and you can see that red is a very dominant colour and other very rich dark colours like greens and dark browns for the wood. They all have a very cluttered feel with lots of books and things on the walls like paintings and a deer head. They all seem a bit stuffy as well, with all the dark colours, heavy furniture and ample things on every bit of bare space.

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