Friday 15 March 2013

Mike Kelley: The Uncanny

Robert Gober Untitled Leg 1989

This is one of Mike Kelley's pieces which is part of an exhibition, The Uncanny, in Tate Liverpool.
He is a sculptor, performance and installation artist based in LA and is described as someone who ..."has dissected the moral and cultural conventions and practices of contemporary society with deadpan humour in performances, installations, architectural models..."
In this exhibition there are a number of polychrome figurative sculptures "that embody the feeling of the uncanny through their scale and use of colour, form and material". As you can see the model above of the leg is extremely life like in every way. His pieces relate to the idea of the 'double' in the subject of the uncanny and how things that look very familiar or real aren't real or are a copy of the real thing - 'the realistic representation of the human figure suspended between life and death.'
The exhibition contains anatomical models, wax figures, animatronic puppets and mounted animals which are all things that evoke a sense of the uncanny as they look superficially very real.

"Sigmund Freud described the uncanny as ‘a hidden, familiar thing that has undergone repression and then emerged from it’. In The Uncanny, Kelley explores memory, recollection, horror and anxiety through the juxtaposition of a highly personal collection of objects with realist figurative sculpture."


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