Monday 15 April 2013

'Evil Dead 2' (1987, Sam Raimi)

This film is very heavy on special effects and some of the thing were very similar to what we were trying to create within our group film.
What I actually quite liked about the film is that the effects were very over the top which meant they didn't always look very realistic but I think it added to the humour of it and was entertaining from a visual aspect.

I thought the hand that had a life of it's own and was possessed could be seen as uncanny in the way that it's a very ordinary part of the body that everyone has but the thought of it taking on a life of its own and then turning against you and trying to kill you with you not having control is a scary thought.

There was also a lot of blood spurting from things and like our film there was a bit when the blood starting to trickle down the wall which reminded me of our film as that's what we tried to create. Loads of it then starts to spray out of the walls  and it looked less like blood at this point as you could see it was diluted so was just coloured water and didn't have the slightly thicker consistency of real blood which was probably a deliberate thing to add to the comedy of it as this is not a serious horror.

Another part which I linked to our own film was the part when our deer head on the wall starts laughing because one of our main themes was dead, stuffed animals which always seem to give people the creeps as they look so realistic because obviously they were real animals but now it's just the outside of them that remains. I think what makes them weirder is because they look so life like people expecting them to start moving or doing some thing, like it does is this film.
In our film Luke dressed one of the animals up in a dolls dress which I think was a nice touch and gave a weird spin on things.

Blood spurting from walls and laughing scene

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