Thursday 25 April 2013

How Effects are going to be achieved in my Horror Film

If I was to make my horror film I think the best way to create the lumps on the legs would be through using special effects. I watched a tutorial on how to create a burn on the skin and even though this is different I think the materials they used could be adapted to create lumps instead. To create the burn they used Lumps gelatine to create the lumpy skin and I thought that if you just used it in blobs to create lumps, rather than spreading it out like you would to create the burn effect. The next step is then to use an acrylic or poster paint and dab it on with a sponge and I was thinking to create the lumps I could create a pink-reddish colour and dab that on over the lumps using a paintbrush or small sponge. I've had a look at a few more video tutorials and found another one for creating boils, spots and blisters which again uses gelatine and just plain flour then all you add is water and pink and blue food colouring to create a fleshy colour. This one was the best as the finished spots she created looked just how I'd like mine to look like and you can then add make up afterwards like pink eye-shadow to make it look sore around the outside. with the gelatine you can mould it into the shape you want so I could make each one look slightly different and have them different sizes. Mine will probably need to be made a bit bigger because a slug will be breaking out of them and I will them to big big enough so after the slug has come out I could put a hole in the centre of the lumps and then use red dye or paint to dab to show it bleeding and pus coming out. For the pus you could play about with different materials and liquids to try and make a liquid that's not too runny.

Video tutorial from YouTube showing how to make fake spots, boils and blisters

I think the best way to do the slugs would be to use a 3D model compositing software programme like Maya which we had a quick lesson on and also After Effects. Maya would be used to create the actual slug and then you could use After effects to animate the slugs. I think you would make one slug on Maya to start with and then duplicate it on After Effects and use the tracking tool to make each one move. Obviously there would be a lot more to it than that but I would need to get to grips with the programme a bit better by watching tutorials and having a play about or find someone that is a professional with the programmes. Slugs normally look quite similar to each other so I think you could get away with just creating one and then multiplying it to get a large group of slugs, I think the movement would have to vary throughout them though to give them a bit more unpredictability. To show the slugs growing bigger and growing teeth Maya could be used again by using the size/scale tool and key frames. I think the slugs eating the flesh on the legs would all be done using visual effects as I think it would be quicker and easier as I'm not sure how you would do it using special effects. - Fake burn tutorial - Pus infected boil

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