Friday 5 April 2013

Films similar to my proposal

A couple of films that came to mind when I was writing my idea were Dreamcatcher (2003, Lawrence Kasdan) which has parasitic aliens in it that look a bit like giant slug type things and they have lots of teeth.

Another film is Slither (2006, James Gunn) which has space slugs that burrow themselves into peoples brains turning them into brain dead zombies.

There were parts from each film that i would be using, for instance the teeth of the slug alien in Dreamcatcher I liked but I think Slither was closer in terms of the size I wanted my slugs to be and the fact they go into peoples bodies and the amount because in Dreamcatcher they're more few and far between whereas in Slither there are loads of them. both films are different to mine though in the way that they are both based on the slugs being aliens from somewhere else but my slugs are going to be quite normal in terms of how they look and where they're from, they will be a breed of man-eating slug that has just evolved in the lake from other species of slug and water creatures fused together.

While looking for films similar to mine I came across Slugs (1988, Juan Piquer Simon) that I'd never actually heard of before. I watched it and found it was quite similar to my idea as the slugs had evolved into carnivorous slugs after being in contact with a toxic waste site that had mutated them. They also looked like normal slugs except for the fact they had big sharp teeth that could eat human flesh.

Finding this film has shown me just how hard it is to come up with an idea that is truly original because so many films have been done and there are loads that you don't even realise exist so it proves you need to do your homework and do a lot of research when coming up with an idea for a film. This is good because if there is a film already similar to yours you can think of ways of doing it differently and making it better.

Obviously if my film was to be made it would be a lot more serious and sophisticated of a horror than Slugs as Slugs was set in the 80's so had to rely a lot on special effects which are quite crude and also the acting/script is not great.

The long shots were better as you could tell they had used real slugs for shots like these and these were creepier when you could tell it was real.

This is the only close up of a slugs face and teeth in the film you could tell from this shot that the slug wasn't real.

This is a screenshot from the film when a man is trying to chop his arm off this shot looked quite fake as the arm looked really rubbery when it went to the close up. Using close ups is a popular way of showing something that isn't real because it gets round having to show the whole thing. I think they tried to mask the falseness of the limb by adding lots of detail around it like the glove and shirt and showing as little of the bare skin as possible. Special effects and visual effects have come a long way though now since the 80's and people use life-casting and prosthetic sculpting to really realistic effect.

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