Sunday 7 April 2013

500 Word Sequence Proposal

Tag Line: With every myth lies a scarier truth

Log Line: While holidaying at Loch Ness a father and daughter find there is something frightening that has been living in the murky depths of the lake and there’s no Nessy in sight.

Isabelle tosses and turns while trying to sleep in the small wooden bed situated in the corner of the dark log cabin, her dad sleeps soundly in the bed adjacent to hers. There is a small window next to the young girls’ bed on which thick green curtains hang crookedly creating a tiny slither of moonlight that streaks across her bed.
Something is irritating the girl and she scratches her leg while half asleep, as her short bitten nails scrape over the skin she feels something unusual that provokes her to sit upright. She pushes the covers off her legs and looks down, she can see nothing except where the moonlight slices across her legs it highlights small red lumps. She leans over to switch the lamp on which reveals the lumps cover her legs completely, her face contorts in horror and she calls out to her dad. As he awakes one of the lumps burst releasing sickly green pus that drips down her leg causing the girl to recoil in disgust and screech out for her dad once more. He rushes over to her and inspects the pus filled lump that her shaking finger points at. It’s not just pus that fills it, something small and black slides out onto the floor but before they have time to react and without warning all the other lumps burst one by one like an unstoppable chain reaction.
The girl’s eyes widen in terror as the gooey green pus oozes out from her body and shiny black creatures begin poking out, their heads slowly snaking side to side before the rest of their body emerges and they drop to the floor. The black slug like creatures writhe around and begin absorbing the liquid that once harboured them and as they do so they grow in size and develop two fang like teeth. The girl shoots back onto the bed as the dad cautiously steps away looking for something to grab but not sure what.
Suddenly as if something had signalled them to do so the creatures simultaneously start worming their way up the overhanging bed covers towards the girl, she screams out to her dad and they leap on to her legs and tear into her lumpy skin with their tiny sharp fangs. She yelps out with a chilling scream that echoes around the room and starts thrashing her legs about in vain. Finally her dad snaps into action and desperately tries to pull the creatures from her but as fast as he is pulling them out they are making their way back to her legs and continuing to gouge out small chunks of her broken flesh. The girl convulses around on the bed her teardrops spilling everywhere and as they do so one lands on one of the creatures which immediately begins to bubble and fizz while letting out a high pitch shriek. They throw up their hands to cover their ears as the sound is almost deafening but as the girl moves her arms to do she knocks the curtain allowing moonlight to flood in momentarily and as it hits the feasting creatures they stop dead then all at once they move off the girl and quickly wriggle their way across the room, under the door and out into the darkness. 

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