Thursday 28 February 2013

Set Building Session

Today we went back to the workstation to carry on with the set from the other week but another group had been in there and taken it all down because of this when we got there we all just knuckled down and started building it again how we wanted it.
We decided as a group to build it with one long side (3 panels) on which the bed would go on (upright) and then one shorter side (2 panels) where the fireplace is going to go and that is where the books are going to be resting on. We also decided that we wanted to dress that wall with curtains, pictures and other bits and pieces we come up with along the way. Next to that wall is where the door is going to be, the door is where the scene will link to the next one as the guy will be drawn to it by smoke coming through the key hole or something like that and then he will look through it and see the next scene which is the woman chopping vegetables/persons arm.
Once we had the panels up we tried to get as much of the previous wallpaper off as possible to give us a smoothish surface for our wallpaper and paint. This was quite a hard task in itself as some of it was quite stubborn and I think a few of us got a bit bogged down with it because once we started we felt we had to get every scrap off which probably wasn't necessary. Once the walls were ready we wallpapered them with plain white paper down one side and red where the fireplace was to go. Me and Luke then painted the rest of it around the door red while the others did the larger wall. Others members of the group were working on other things as well like the more detailed part of the decor including pictures and other weird things to dress the room with.

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