Tuesday 5 February 2013

300 Word Proposal: Subject of The ‘Uncanny’

Tag Line – You can’t swot the fly in your mind

Log Line – A man enters a room where a pesky fly just won’t leave him alone and this encounter leads to some strange happenings between the man and the fly or maybe the man and his own mind.

Short Film Synopsis -

A man walks into a small dark room with no windows but dimly lit with two lamps. On first glance it appears empty; he stops in the middle of the room on hearing a noise, a buzzing noise that gets louder and louder. A small black fly starts circling around his head, he tries to swipe at it but it keeps going faster and the buzzing is now almost deafening. It stops, right in front of his eyes then drops to the ground with a loud thud that echoes around the room, as it hits the ground it bursts into green smoke then is gone. 
The man walks towards a rustic full length mirror on the wall and stares at himself – the pupils of his eyes look like 2 black flies. 
He notices a transparent black balloon floating behind him in the mirror that wasn't there before, within it a fly is buzzing around. He turns around and tries to bat the balloon away but it stays floating on the spot. He goes at it again with aggression, hitting and punching it but with every impact to the balloon the buzzing just gets louder and the balloon remains there gently swaying. It spontaneously bursts without a sound and green smoke engulfs the room. 
The man turns away from the smoke coughing and closing his eyes tight, he realises the buzzing has stopped so slowly opens his eyes until he catches the reflection in the mirror which causes his eyes to widen in horror. The room is swarming with flies; the air is so black with them he can’t even see the door he came in through. The man braces himself to turn around and face this nightmare but as he does so all he is met with is the one solitary fly which then flies out the door.

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