Thursday 21 February 2013

My Uncanny Proposal Moodboard

First Moodboard attempt

This is my moodboard for the 300 word proposal I did on the subject of uncanny. In this moodboard I wanted to reflect the strange image I had in my head when writing the proposal and convey something that is unsettling and not really a place or situation you would really want to find yourself in. I deliberately made the board quite minimalistic because that is one of the main elements that makes this space unnerving is the fact there is not much there and what is there is not necessarily normal of what you would find in a room.

The first thing I started with was a background colour, the room I described was dark with no windows so I thought a deep red would look quite atmospheric and red is always a good colour for symbolism e.g. danger, blood, bad or even love. To fill the background I selected >New Fill Layer< and then chose Solid Colour and red and then chose the shade of red I wanted.
Then I looked for a mirror on Google images, in the proposal I said it was an old rustic mirror, I liked this one because it looked a bit worn but also quite simple. I then found images of flies, with a grey background to match the mirror, and cropped out a small section and transferred it on to the mirror and resized it to fit the length of the glass. I used >Layer Style< then >blending Options< and turned the opacity down slightly so it blended it more.
I was originally going to have a puff of smoke in the room (when the fly lands on the floor) but then I decided to have it fill half the room because in the proposal it also says the room fills with green smoke and I thought this looked more effective ans eerie. I also turned the opacity down on this as well so you could see the red walls through it a bit more. I used the >Blur tool< to make the line between the smoke and red background less harsh.
To cut the images out I used the >Magnetic Lasso Tool< which you draw round the image with clicking in all the places you want to put a point like corners or where there's a change in the shape or line, you then click back at the starting point and can then drag it and place the cut out image where you want. Sometimes images need tidying up so I used the >Eraser Tool< (changing colour, shape and size to what I required) and carefully went round the bits where you could still see a bit of the edges or background.

I think for a first attempt at a Photoshop Mood-board this isn't too bad and I look forward to doing more as I learn something different every time I use the programme. I also like the creative element and it is a really good way of getting your idea across to other people because it's hard to get across things like colours, textures and an overall feel sometimes with just words.

                                                          Final Moodboard

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