Wednesday 20 February 2013

Group Production of the subject of 'Uncanny'

As part of this module the class are going to collaborate in making a short film that incorporates the use of special effects - things you do/make during production, visual effects - done in post production using software like After Effects and also a set which we will have to design and dress ourselves.

We have been split into 3 groups and in each group there is a director, producer and art director but essentially we will all have a go at everything. In my group is Luke, Alex and Jess and we're mainly in charge of the second part of the film which is the part that requires the set. In our scene we have a guy who's in a room asleep on a bed, the bed is going to be vertical to the wall though so when we film the guy getting up it's going to look like he's floating if we have a camera on a track next to the bed. Our guy is then going to spot the little doppelgänger of himself on top of the fireplace and we're not quite sure on what is going to happen but a book is going to fall off the fireplace and squash the little man under it and we're going to use a little plastic arm or something placed next to the book to show he's under it. Smoke coming through the bedroom door keyhole is then going to alert our guy to something strange going on the other side of the door and he's going to look through it and see a woman who at first looks like she's is chopping vegetables but then it turns out to be a body part.

This scene reminds me of the Erik Johansson work because I can picture an arm that eventually by the time you get to the end of it or the hand has merged into a vegetable and the hand is a fennel or something that looks a bit like fingers.

The 3rd group are going to be concentrating on this weird woman scene and then the 1st group are in charge of the little man that our character see's (which is himself). There's starts of with a man who is scratching something on his arm which is possibly a bug or something under his skin and then it will be revealed that this person is a little man standing on a fireplace. I think in their scene they are also going to have a freaky person that crawls in a weird, stiff manner towards the door as well.

I think this will be very ambitious to pull off as we have so many different elements going on and at the beginning we were going to have 4 different characters but me and Luke thought this might be too many so suggested that our guy in the bed also play the character of the little man on the fireplace as it will make it look more uncanny to have a doppelgänger and also will save us having to find another actor.  We also thought that if the 3rd group have the weird woman and the person crawling that if we have time to do both things that they too should also be played by the same actor as I think it will look a bit strange if some other person just starts crawling out of nowhere and would make more sense if it was the woman as it will already have been established that she is a bit crazy.

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